A Bittersweet Time


May is a busy month, a time of celebration for many. Early may often includes high school proms. Graduations fill the month. May has two sentimental holidays: Mother’s Day and Memorial Day. Of personal interest, my birthday is in May. Sometimes Mother’s Day falls on the same date.

For my family, May is also a time of mourning. My niece, Madeline, died on May 14, just six weeks before her 18th birthday. My elder son died in January 2021. The grief hits particularly hard on Mother’s Day. My brother, sister-in-law, nephew, husband, younger son, and I all lost loved ones deeply important to us. It’s difficult to celebrate my birthday when I’m also mourning the loss of my child and my niece.

Mine is not the only family who mourns during this month of milestones and celebrations. Those who lost family members and friends in military action also find themselves shedding tears amid parades and cookouts and parties.

I don’t begrudge others their joy. Let them take pleasure in the holiday, the gifts and recognition, the happy sentiments and fond memories. I, too, continue to have cause to celebrate the month. I celebrate having endured for another year. I celebrate my mother who turns 84 this year. I enjoy the Memorial Day parade and the month’s warmer weather which brings with it flowers galore and renewed opportunities for trail riding.

For those who survive, May brings us a bittersweet time. We must endure; we have no other option. So, we make the best of what we’re given, but we don’t forget.

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By hbbadmin